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Wednesday, January 22, 2020

18 Unknown Facts about Mark Zuckerberg - Life is Beautiful India

18 Unknown Facts about Mark Zuckerberg

    Unknown Facts about Mark Zuckerberg - Life is Beautiful India
  1. Mark Zuckerberg’s dog has his own Facebook page with 2.6 million likes.
  2. Mark Zuckerberg and Vin Diesel are buddies.
  3. The iconic “Grey T-shirt” of Mark Zuckerberg costs $300 to $400 approx. Rs 24000
  4. He is not very active on Twitter. He has tweeted just 19 times since 2009.
  5. Mark Zuckerberg is color blind. He sees the blue color the best, which is why the color of Facebook’s logo is blue.
  6. If you type @[4:0] in a Facebook comment window and hit enter, his name will appear.
  7. Zuckerberg and his wife got married in the backyard of his mansion.
  8. In middle school, Mark created ZuckNet, a completely functional instant messaging platform that allowed for two-way communication from any two or more individuals that had a dedicated Internet connection.
  9. In 2009, Mark’s New Year’s challenge was to wear a tie for a whole year.
  10. He became a billionaire at the age of 23.
  11. He dropped out of Harvard in 2004 and then in 2017 went back and completed his degree.
  12. He is a registered organ donor.
  13. Facebook offers up to 4 months of paid paternity leave. Mark recently took advantage of this by taking time off to spend with his second child.
  14. Mark works out at least three times a week.
  15. Mark Zuckerberg drives a Volkswagen GTI and before that an Acura TSX.
  16. Mark’s father is a dentist and his mother is a psychiatrist.
  17. Mark has three sisters.
  18. He considers himself an atheist.

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