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Thursday, July 22, 2021

Top 7 rules of life - Life is Beautiful India

July 22, 2021 0 Comments

 Top 7 Rules of life - Life is Beautiful India

Top 7 rules of life - Life is Beautiful India

  1. Relations Are Like Birds!  - If you hold tightly they die. If you hold loosely they fly. But, if you hold with care, they remain with you forever
  2. No girl will choose 6 packs over 6 cars. So stop going to the gym, and go to work - Robert Mugabe
  3. 3 Things you should keep Private: Income, Love Life, Next Move!
  4. Arguing with a woman is like reading the Software License Agreement. in the end, you ignore everything and click "I agree"
  5. Life asked Death Why do people love me and hate you?  ... Death Replied: Because you are a beautiful lie and I am the painful truth.
  6. Always be Honest to your wife
  7. Help to everyone without expecting anything in return.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

12 things to always remember - Life is beautiful India

April 21, 2021 0 Comments

 12 things to always remember

1. The past cannot be changed

2. Opinions don't define your reality

3. Everyone's journey is different

4. Things always get better with time

5. Judgements are a confession of character

6. Overthinking will lead to sadness

7. Happiness is found within

8. Positive thoughts create positive things

9. Smiles are contagious

10. Kindness is free

11. You only fail if you quit

12. What goes around , comes around

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

5 life hack that you don't know - Life is Beautiful India

April 20, 2021 0 Comments

5 life hack that you don't know

1. Education free

In India, Govt. offer good eduction in free of cost.

But for LKG peoples are paying in Lakhs to improve child mentality

In that small age, they need to learn only about basic things and love. No need for education with spending more lakhs.

Take the example of Mr. ABJ sir, he is studied only in the government school. 

2. Movie Theater Snacks Price

Ha ha ha... Movie ticktet is 120 Ruppes.  This is OK

But snacks prices are more than the ticket price

1. Pop corn - Outside - Rs. 20 - In Theatre - Rs - 100
2. Ice Creame - Outside - Rs.20 - In Theatre - Rs.80
3. Buffz - Outside - Rs.13 - In Theatre - Rs. 80
4. Water bottle - Outside Rs.5 - In Theatre  Rs . 30
5. Etc....................................

3. Using Cars for the short ride

Everyone looks to reduce their weight. But no one likes to walk to reach a short distance place. Filling fuel and ride on cars. using cycle will help to reduce weights as well as save your money

4. Saloon 

For shaving your beard you are spending min 200 rupees in the saloon

But the real cost is Rs.20 (A  razer cost)

5. Mobile Usages

Now a days, peoples are focusing to use full mobile data 

but they don't know, they are wasting their valuable time too.